Troy MICR 406 dn
900-4,800 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR 612 dn Secure printer
5,000 - 30,000 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR 612 dn Secure EX printer
5,000 - 30,000 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR 611 dn Secure EX printer
5,000 - 25,000 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR 611 dn Secure printer
5,000 - 25,000 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR M806
5,000 - 25,000 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR M507 Secure EX
2,000 - 5,500 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR M507 Secure
2,000 - 5,500 Volumes/MonthDownload the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy MICR M507 dn
Capacity (sheets): 6502,000 - 5,500 Volumes/Month
Download the PDF for more information (This will open in a new window)

Troy 550 printer tray

M402/M404/M428/M406 550-sheet Input Tray

HP LaserJet M610/M611/M612 2100-Sheet Standard Tray

TROY M607/M608/M609/M610/M611/M612 Secure 550-Sheet Locking Tray
Additional Information
All of the Troy printer are available in 240V and 110V and can be supplied globally from PCF.
All printers are available in multiple configurational options such as single or multiple trays, with or without locks, and different levels of security.